This wiki is to meant to describe how *Epyx* built his Aliens Themed MAME cabinet, provide as much as possible regarding dimensions and layout and eventually store derived cabinets from it.
The source this documentation was extracted from is here:,96465.0.html
The structure is currently vague as we're in the making. Let's see how this turns out.
Just keeping this as a note: to extract all the photos from photobucket I followed the following steps:
grep -hr "bb312" links.txt > page[1-12].txt
cat page[1-12].txt | xargs firefox -new-tab
for file in *.webp; do dwebp $file "`basename $file`" -o $file.png; done for f in *.webp.png ; do mv -- "$f" "$(basename -- "$f" .webp.png).png" ; done
mogrify -format jpg *.png
There is probably a way to do all this at once but since it is a one time process I just did it as it came…